Medical and Allied Health Science Services Directorate

Objective: To increase efficiency and effective diagnosis and treatment of cancer at the Institute

This directorate operates under the Director of the Medical and Allied Health Science, has nine sections which are,

  • Clinical Oncology Section
  • Surgical Oncology Section,
  • Pharmacy Section,
  • Nursing Section,
  • Laboratory Section,
  • Radiology and Imaging Section,
  • Palliative Care Section,
  • Medical Physics Section, and
  • Radiotherapy Technology Section.

The general function of the Directorate includes;

  • Provision of advice on improvement of the quality of medical and allied health science services,
  • Provide laboratory and pharmacy services,
  • Manage clinical and surgical oncology services,
  • Provide medical physics, radiotherapy,
  • Radiology and imaging services,
  • Manage nursing services,
  • Provide adequate hospital-based and home-based palliative care services to the patients and families,
  • Prepare monthly and annual performance reports and to prepare and oversee adherence of treatment protocols.